Personal Learning
This class session was very interesting as it creates a platform for teachers where they can integrate technological tools with their lessons to support the different learning styles of the students. We all live in a digital world where a lot of resources are available online if the technology is used wisely. As a teacher, I can reflect on how integrating Bloom’s taxonomy into a lesson plan can make students take up the challenge to find solutions by gaining knowledge from their past experiences and using the new knowledge provided by the teachers. UDL on the other hand is a great way of engaging in learning in an inclusive classroom where every learner is different. This design offers a flexible space that concentrates on the learners. Unlike a traditional classroom, the UDL classroom is more engaging with different forms of technological engagement used to cater to different learners’ needs. It should also be noted that the staff should be given proper training to effectively help the students in their learning. This requires the teachers to work collaboratively which is a challenging task. However, the children will benefit from it.